Attic Insulation Columbia MD |
Attic Info for your Columbia MD HomeDid you know that most of the homes built in Columbia, MD are in need of special attention in the attic? Do not make the mistake of having extra insulation blown into your attic without having an assessment by a correctly trained Building Analyst. You will not be as comfortable or save as much money if you do not follow several key steps to sealing your attic first. If you live in Columbia, Maryland chances are you need air sealing and attic insulation based on the age of your home! Before you spend money on replacement windows or on a new HVAC unit, please get a BGE energy audit. Energy audits evaluate for the following: 1. Home air leakage points 2. Air sealing opportunities 3. Current Columbia MD attic insulation R-Value 4. Temperature variance on different floors Take the whole house approach to remodeling. Find the correct solutions for high energy bills and comfort issues. Create the best priority list.
Attic Insulation Columbia MD Keys to SuccessRegardless of which material and application was used in houses built in Columbia, Maryland, insulation is not fully effective unless it is installed properly. Insulation in Columbia, MD attics works because it incorporates air pockets that slows the conduction of heat. This resistance to heat flow is measured by the R-value of the material. Unfortunately, most insulation in an Columbia, MD home attic does not stop air flow. Thus, for most insulation to be effective in a house in Columbia, a separate air barrier or skin is needed to stop the flow of air. For the air barrier itself to be effective, it must be contiguous and continuous across the entire building envelope and it must be perfectly aligned with the insulation. Comfort in both winter and summer is related to four factors in Columbia, Maryland: If air sealing is missing at the attic floor in a Columbia, MD attic then insulation is likely to function less efficiently and lead to comfort issues. For most insulation to be effective air sealing is needed to stop the flow of air. Most Columbia attics are insulated to between. R-10-30 (5-15") and there is no air sealing. Increasing the R-value to 49 as recommended for the Columbia, MD area will improve comfort and efficiency. Any attic access point to the attic such as a push up hatch should be treated by sealing and insulating. Recessed lights should be covered and sealed at the attic floor prior to adding insulation. Baffles should be extended/added where necessary to maintain attic ventilation for the climate in Columbia, MD. Want to Learn More?Learn about the 6 most common sources of home comfort issues. Learn how to unlock BGE Insulation Rebates Learn everything you need to know about a BGE energy audit Get a BGE Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Energy Audit for Attic Insulation Columbia Md Get a free copy of Hometrust Remodeling's home efficiency report. | Attic insulation in Columbia, MD is the right investment if you need it - Columbia, MD attic insulation is on average about 44 years old indicating the likely need for improvements to insulation for comfort and energy efficiency. If your attic looks like this in Columbia, MD you need insulation! Air sealing should be performed prior to adding insulation to the attic floor. Get an inspection today to determine what your attic needs. Thermal images reveal problems you can't see! |